Newfoundland & Labrador Seeks Proposals from Cellular Providers to Expand Cellular Service

December 12, 2023

To address gaps and deficiencies in cellular service infrastructure in unserved and underserved communities throughout Newfoundland and Labrador, Andrew Parsons, KC, Minister of Industry, Energy and Technology, today announced a Call for Proposals to cellular providers. This follows an Expression of Interest (EOI) from communities who wish to be considered for improved cellular service, which closed in September 2023.

A listing of communities identified during the Expressions of Interest will be given to service providers interested in submitting proposals during the Call for Proposals phase of the initiative. The list of communities will be reviewed and technical commentary provided on solution feasibility and the potential of enhancing coverage in the noted areas. Service providers interested in submitting proposals and receiving a list of EOIs received from communities/regions can get more information in the backgrounder below.

After the close of the Call for Proposals from providers, the Department of Industry, Energy and Technology will review each community EOI in relation to cellular service provider’s proposed solutions and interests. Based on best-fit solutions, providers may be invited to submit an application for funding for a cellular enhancement project in a number of communities, as identified by the Department.

This is part of the Cellular Service Improvement Initiative, a cost-shared program to encourage partnership to improve connectivity services.


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