Nova Scotia Green Choice Program for Large-Scale Electricity Customers

Many large-scale electricity customers will be able to save money and reach their climate change goals with clean power thanks to the new Green Choice Program.

Through the program, customers will get up to 100 per cent of their electricity from renewable energy.

“Green Choice is the first program of its kind in Canada. It will help public institutions and other large customers become cleaner and greener,” said Tory Rushton, Minister of Natural Resources and Renewables. “Once it’s fully up and running, the program will add 10 per cent more renewable electricity to the grid and help us reach our goal of 80 per cent renewables by 2030.”

Renewable electricity projects need to be built to support the program. The Province is launching a procurement today, December 1, to secure new projects that will generate 350 megawatts of renewable electricity starting in 2027-28. The procurement is open to wind and solar energy projects.

Eligible program participants include governments, Mi’kmaw band councils, public schools, universities, Nova Scotia Community College, healthcare facilities and non-profit organizations. Some large commercial or industrial customers may also be eligible.

Launching the Green Choice Program this year is a goal in Our Climate, Our Future: Nova Scotia’s Climate Change Plan for Clean Growth. The plan aims to create a cleaner, healthier and more sustainable future for all Nova Scotians. It includes initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, switch to clean energy, create a clean economy, make homes and buildings energy efficient and able to stand up to the impacts of climate change, and help Nova Scotians adapt to the changing climate.

Go HERE for more information


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