New Federal Call for Proposals for Smart Grid Projects 

November 1, 2023

Smart grids — electrical grids that make better use of existing generation, transmission and distribution assets to provide a higher quality of service to customers — result in more dynamic and flexible electricity systems and safer delivery of power while reducing emissions and creating and maintaining good middle-class jobs for Canadians.

Earlier this week, the federal government announced the launch of a smart grid call for proposals at the Energy Innovation Forum’s Smart Grids Conference in Moncton, New Brunswick.

Funded through Canada’s Energy Innovation Program, projects selected through this call will provide support to the key technology, market and regulatory innovations that address barriers to scale pilot projects into grid-wide deployments.

The intended results of this call include significant improvements to enhancing grid reliability, resiliency and flexibility; energy affordability; enabling greenhouse gas emission reductions; and creating market conditions that are more favourable to scaling successful innovations. 

The two areas of focus offered through this call are: 

  • Demonstration: Funding will support projects that accelerate grid modernization, address market gaps with business solutions, improve customer accessibility of grid integrated solutions and lower emissions. Open to applicants until January 10, 2024.
  • Regulatory Innovation Capacity Building: Funding will support projects with activities that promote cooperation and information sharing, enable the creation and adoption of innovative approaches for the economic regulation of electricity systems, and create the conditions for meaningful participation and engagement in the electricity regulatory ecosystem. Open to applicants until January 31, 2024.

Successful applicants for demonstration projects could each receive up to 50 percent of total eligible project costs with a maximum funding contribution of up to $6 million. For regulatory innovation projects, up to 75 percent of total eligible project costs may be covered, with a maximum funding contribution of up to $1.5 million. Additional details on eligibility are available in the applicant guides.

This call is another step the Government of Canada is taking to to fight climate change. Canada will continue to invest in the most innovative technologies that will provide sustainable jobs and economic growth while supporting our climate goals.  

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