Unveiling of the Results of the 1,500 MW Wind Power Call for Tenders AQPER Members Active in Meeting Quebec’s Energy Needs

February 2, 2024

The Quebec Association for Renewable Energy Production (AQPER) congratulates the companies and communities involved in the 8 projects selected as part of the call for tenders launched on March 31, 2023 and for which Hydro-Québec had to choose from among 16 bids representing 3,034 MW.

The selected projects  totaling 1,550 MW of electricity from wind sources representing investments of more than 4 billion in favor of the energy transition.

Independent producers have proven once again that they are ready to meet the needs of Hydro-Québec, which intends to triple wind production by integrating additions of more than 10,000 MW into its network by 2035. This addition is necessary for meet energy needs, achieve climate targets, which will boost the Quebec economy. Let us also remember that the wind sector remains the most advantageous sector from an economic point of view, despite the impacts of inflation and the shortage of labor in construction which affect all sectors.

Furthermore, the wind industry can count on a deployment speed that corresponds to our climate schedule while respecting best practices for project development. According to Hydro-Québec’s planning, electricity deliveries must begin no later than December 1, 2027, December 1, 2028 or December 1, 2029.

Independent producers have also demonstrated over the last 35 years their ability to develop projects that have positive benefits for communities and that are done in partnership with host communities, other economic players and First Nations. With its approximately 5,000 jobs, its annual tax and parafiscal benefits of nearly $100 million and payments of $118.4 million to various communities, the wind industry already contributes greatly to the economic vitality of Quebec and its regions. .

AQPER takes the opportunity to emphasize that a coherent and diversified supply strategy based on the principles of predictability, recurrence as well as adequate and attractive volumes for investors and the entire value chain is essential . The notion of recurrence will play a key role in maximizing benefits and continuing the development of the sector in Quebec. Furthermore, its members welcome Hydro-Québec’s desire to increase the capacity of its transmission network and add 5,000 kilometers of electrical lines.

Independent producers, MRCs, municipalities, indigenous communities, cooperatives, members of AQPER, are resolutely committed to offering the best alternatives to Quebecers to make our new era of economic development a success for our generation and those to come. come.


“Independent producers responded in large numbers to this call for tenders, illustrating the dynamism of our industry. Quebec’s energy development inevitably requires collaboration between our members, local communities and Hydro-Québec. It is a model that promotes the development of our economy throughout the territory and which provides localities with direct and lasting positive impacts. Moreover, we will continue to be present during the next processes of obtaining new energy, coming from all sectors and essential to our success in the fight against climate change and the reduction of our dependence on fossil fuels.”

Luis Calzado, President and CEO of the Quebec Renewable Energy Production Association


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