Alberta Invests in Hydrogen Technologies

April 23, 2024

To help drive innovation, the Alberta government is investing $57 million to develop 28 new hydrogen technologies that will reduce emissions and power the economy. By bringing more hydrogen technologies online, Alberta is accelerating technologies that could one day be used in industries and communities around the world while getting the province closer to carbon neutral by 2050.

“We are funding new, innovative technologies that will ultimately help hydrogen power Alberta’s industries, vehicles, homes and economy in the years ahead. We are reducing emissions through technologies, not taxes, and creating jobs at the same time.”

Rebecca Schulz, Minister of Environment and Protected Areas

“Hydrogen has the potential to transform global energy markets and to create trillions of dollars of economic activity. Alberta’s government is committed to investing in new technologies to develop a hydrogen market and to ensure that Alberta is the hydrogen capital of Canada. These investments will help to grow and diversify our economy, and secure our future as a global energy powerhouse for generations to come.”

Nate Glubish, Minister of Technology and Innovation

“Alberta is pursuing a hydrogen economy and new hydrogen technologies that will lead Canada into the future. In time, we’ll deliver this clean energy to allies and trading partners that are looking to lower emissions.”

Brian Jean, Minister of Energy and Minerals
Using the Technology Innovation and Emissions Reduction program, the province is funding a wide range of technologies. This includes:
  • $7 million to help Linde Canada install hydrogen production, distribution and refueling infrastructure in Edmonton and Fort Saskatchewan to supply hydrogen for Edmonton Transit,
  • $7 million to help NuVista Energy demonstrate a technology that converts natural gas feedstock into low-carbon hydrogen and solid carbon,
  • $6.9 million to help the City of Edmonton demonstrate a methanol-to-hydrogen fueling system while integrating two hydrogen vehicle technologies to test fueling and vehicle performance,
  • $5 million to help Strathcona County install a hydrogen-fueled system to provide heat and power at the Millennium Place Recreation Centre,
  • $2.2 million to help the City of Calgary pilot and test hydrogen vehicles and equipment to determine suitability and use in Alberta,
  • $1.9 million to help the Pipeline Research Council test materials for retrofitting existing natural gas pipelines for hydrogen, and
  • $1.7 million to help Edmonton International Airport explore hydrogen’s use in aviation.


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