BC Hydro Expanding Electrical Capacity Along Veterans Memorial Parkway

February 29, 2024
BC Hydro has advised the City they will be upgrading electrical service in Colwood with the installation of hydro poles and wires along the east side Veterans Memorial Parkway between Allandale Road and Latoria Road. Poles will be located at the far edge of the road right-of-way to allow for potential future expansion of sidewalk, cycling, and road infrastructure.
Increasing capacity for existing residents and new facilities
The new lines will increase the community’s hydroelectric capacity, reinforcing service to existing customers and enabling the operation of large new facilities like the Royal BC Museum Collections and Research Building and the Long Term Care facility which are important new amenities in the community.
The hierarchy of provincial services like BC Hydro in relationship to local government means that the City has no direct control over most aspects of the planning and scheduling of large infrastructure projects such as this.
Protecting natural vegetation
That said, Colwood staff have been working with BC Hydro to advocate for the protection of natural vegetation. The Parks team is working with groups like Habitat Acquisition Trust and the Friends of Havenwood Park to salvage as many plants as possible beforehand, and plan for restoration work once BC Hydro work is complete.
This work will require tree and vegetation management by arborists contracted by BC Hydro using Provincial standards, including:
- Retention of low-growing vegetation/tree species
- Retention and creation of wildlife trees
- Retention (pruning) of large wind-firm trees
- Tree removal where no other option exists
- Riparian vegetation work methods
There is no direct cost to the City for this BC Hydro service upgrade.
Work may cause minor traffic delays
Traffic within the work zone will be reduced to single lane and minor traffic delays are expected. Traffic control personnel will be on site to assist drivers.