BC Introducing Rebates for Solar Panels and Battery Storage

July 11, 2024
For the first time, BC Hydro will provide rebates for the installation of rooftop solar and battery-storage systems, making it easier for people and businesses to generate their own electricity, reduce their energy bills and deliver clean energy back to the electricity grid.
The new program supports the Province’s new clean-energy strategy that was released Thursday, June 27, 2024. The strategy focuses on building an economy powered by clean energy, creating new jobs and opportunities, and keeping electricity affordable.
Eligible homeowners can receive BC Hydro rebates totalling as much as $10,000 for installing a qualified solar photovoltaic (PV) system and battery-storage system together. BC Hydro will also be rolling out targeted rebates for apartment buildings, schools, community organizations, local governments, small businesses, social-housing providers and Indigenous communities, which could go up to $50,000 to $150,000 based on the individual customer.
The rebates will be available later in July.
In addition to helping BC Hydro customers save on their energy bills, adding more renewable generation and storage options helps strengthen the overall electricity system by reducing demand on the grid.
Providing solar rebates is part of Powering Our Future: B.C.’s Clean Energy Strategy, which outlines the actions government is taking to accelerate the shift to clean energy and create new opportunities for people and businesses throughout British Columbia, including:
Solar panel rebates
Solar photovoltaic (PV) panels | Up to $5,000 $1,000 per kilowatt (kW) of installed generator capacity. Rebate amount capped at 50% of total installed product cost (including labour and materials). Maximum rebate $5,000. |
Battery storage rebates
Battery storage allows you to store your excess renewable energy to power your home on cloudy days, overnight, or in the event of a power outage.
Battery energy storage systems Minimum storage size: 5 kilowatt-hours (kWh). | Up to $5,000 $500 per kWh of installed storage capacity. Rebate amount capped at 50% of total installed product cost (including labour and materials). Maximum rebate $5,000. |
Application details will be released later in July.
Go HERE for more information