Enabling the Energy Transition for a Cleaner Energy Future: ENMAX Releases 2023 ESG Report

May 30, 2024
ENMAX Corporation’s 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Report, released recently, highlights its ongoing commitment to advancing electrification and enabling the energy transition in a responsible way for customers, focusing on affordability and grid reliability while empowering a diverse and inclusive team.
“Whether it’s installing solar panels on community associations across Calgary or exploring the feasibility of carbon capture, ENMAX is committed to advancing a cleaner energy future for the benefit of our customers, the communities we operate in and our Shareholder, The City of Calgary,” said Jennifer Saldana, Director, Sustainability and Indigenous Relations at ENMAX. “As the electricity sector transforms rapidly to power a lower-carbon future, ENMAX continues to take a measured approach, balancing electrification and the growth of renewables with grid reliability and energy affordability.”
ENMAX’s ESG report outlines progress made on targets that move us closer to a cleaner energy future including:
- Achieving a 65 per cent reduction in scope 1 and scope 2 GHG emissions toward our net-zero target and offsetting 100 per cent of its building’s scope 1 and scope 2 emissions.
- Exploring ways to further decarbonize through intentional investments such as its feasibility study on carbon capture at Shepard Energy Centre, Canada’s largest commercial-scale natural gas combined-cycle facility.
- Beginning a three-year partnership with the Prairie Adaptation Research Collaborative to develop a new climate model for the Calgary region, helping to prepare the electricity grid for extreme events and improve the resilience of infrastructure.
- Completing rooftop solar installations on 25 of the total 31 community associations across Calgary supported through the ENMAX Community Solar Fund, a partnership with The City of Calgary.
- Contributing over $3 million to Alberta community organizations including support for energy affordability programs, essential needs funding, energy efficiency education and conservation programs, with 36 per cent of our community investment budget invested in supporting customers at the various stages of the energy affordability life cycle.
ENMAX team members contributed 5,460 volunteer hours to support community organizations in 2023, including packing food hampers at the Calgary Food Bank, installing energy efficiency items at Penbrooke Meadows Community Association and holiday lights set ups at Alberta Children’s Hospital, Children’s Cottage, Heritage Park and Confederation Park. Through employee donations and ENMAX matching, ENMAX provided more than $330,000 to 220 organizations during the year.