IESO Market Renewal Rule Amendments Approved by Board

October 22, 2024
“For several years now, the IESO has been working closely with stakeholders to prepare for the renewal of our electricity markets in 2025. Today, we reached another major milestone as the IESO’s Board of Directors approved the market rule amendments needed to operationalize the renewed markets,” IESO announced via LinkedIn.
“The Market Renewal program will make improvements to the current electricity market design, by improving how we supply, schedule and price electricity, leading to system efficiencies and supporting the grid of the future. This project will deliver significant value to the system and Ontario consumers – including an expected $700 million in benefits in the first 10 years alone. It will also build a foundation for Ontario’s electricity markets to continue to evolve, as new technologies emerge and are able to contribute to a reliable, affordable and sustainable electricity system for the province.”
The rule amendments will be effective November 11, 2024, facilitating registration activities in advance of the launch of the renewed market on May 1, 2025.
Go HERE for more information on the Market Renewal
Go HERE for more information on the amendment proposals