PEI Agriculture Energy Systems Pilot Program Open for Applications

November 12, 2024
Agriculture producers in PEI who are interested in adopting clean technologies can once again apply for the PEI Agriculture Energy Systems Pilot Program.
The PEI Agriculture Energy Systems Pilot Program (PEIAgESP) is a provincial investment into the local agriculture industry that supports Island producers by offsetting costs associated with improving energy efficiency, generating renewable energy, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and increasing farm resilience to energy costs.
“We are really pleased with the success of the first intake of the program, and the willingness of producers across PEI to support green agriculture initiatives. From installing heat recovery systems in livestock barns, and upgrading sensors and controllers in potato warehouses, to replacing grain dryers with higher efficiency models, no project is too big or too small to make a positive change for Island farmers and their communities.”
– Deputy Premier and Agriculture Minister Bloyce Thompson
The PEIAgESP is being extended for another two years, with an investment of over $1 million per year to support new projects. Successful applicants can receive up to $75,000 for projects that reduce emissions and increase energy use efficiency. Funds are prioritized to those projects that achieve the most cost-effective greenhouse gas emissions reductions.
Go HERE for more information