IESO Releases Near Term Reliability Outlook

June 25, 2024
Ontario’s electricity system is prepared for this summer season and is expected to have adequate supply and reserves over the next 18 months. The IESO has released its latest Reliability Outlook which assesses the reliability of Ontario’s electricity system over the near term.
Electricity demand in Ontario is projected to increase one per cent in 2024, increasing to 2.9 per cent in 2025 because of the addition of large industrial loads to the grid, increasing electrification throughout the economy and a slowing inflation rate.
During the Outlook period, the IESO will be able to call on a variety of resources to support reliability. This includes supply acquired through the annual Capacity Auction and recent procurements, such as the Oneida energy storage project, coming online. The IESO also expects to access 2,000 MW of imports from neighbouring jurisdictions, if needed.
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