Keith Sones Launches New Company, AccepTD Utility Strategies Inc.

September 12, 2024

Keith Sones has announced the launch of a new company, AccepTD Utility Strategies Inc.

The high voltage electrical industry is changing quickly and growing rapidly at the same time. There are a number of challenges and opportunities for growth. Rehabilitating aging grids, adding new generation before and behind the meter, First Nations partnerships, labour shortages, aggressive timelines, and growing demand for electricity all create challenges and opportunity for the electricity industry.

Given these challenges it’s an “all hands on deck” era. AccepTD is one of those hands, helping facilitate all of the above.

“We are in the midst of renewing electrical grids, applying technology to improve efficiency and adding large volumes of new transmission and generation facilities.  Only by working together will we be successful,” notes Sones, Founder and President for the company.

Keith has been in the high voltage power sector for 35 years. His first 20 years were spent in multiple field and management roles for two different utilities, with the previous decade and a half serving the utility contracting industry in various executive positions. This experience had provided the unique opportunity to view the industry through the lens of the asset owner as well as service provider, leading to a “knowing what the industry needs should drive the services and products offered” approach to business.

With AccepTD, Sones aims to leverage his 35-years of experience in the industry to bring together the best ideas, vendors, technology experts, service delivery professionals and experiences in consultation with clients on advanced technologies, products, technical guidance, partnerships, as well as mentorship.

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