CIB, Alexander First Nation, FNpower, and Concord Partner on Tilley Solar Project

May 7, 2024

Alexander First Nation, First Nation Power Development (FNpower), Concord Green Energy (a subsidiary of Concord Pacific), and the Canada Infrastructure Bank (CIB) have reached financial close on the Tilley Solar Project.

The CIB committed $33 million to the Tilley Solar project, located 200 kilometres southeast of Calgary in Newell, Alberta, on Treaty 7 Territory. The total project cost is $52 million and will include the economic interests of the Alexander First Nation and FNpower, an Indigenous-owned organization dedicated to empowering First Nation community ownership and participation in the emerging renewable energy industry.

The CIB’s investment towards the solar facility advances First Nation economic participation in the clean energy transition, along with improving grid stability and reliability by adding needed electricity generation.

With First Nations in an ideal position to take on meaningful ownership and drive economic reconciliation opportunities, this project demonstrates a First Nation-led initiative actively participating in the renewable energy industry while aiding in diversifying the sector.

“I would like to thank the CIB for their tremendous support and dedication to the Tilley Solar Project. This signifies the economic viability of the project for our Nation for many years to come. With that comes long-term careers/jobs for our Nation members, consistent revenue for the Nation, and our footprint into the green energy space. I would also like to thank and congratulate Alexander Business Centre, First Nation Power Development, and Concord Green Energy for their unwavering hard work and commitment to bring this project into fruition. I am beyond excited to see the end product as a green energy source which is important to us as First Nations people who are stewards of the land. Hiy hiy”

Chief George Arcand Jr, Alexander First Nation

The 23.6-megawatt solar farm, which includes 69,450 fixed-tilt solar photovoltaic panels, will help reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Alberta by approximately 14,200 tonnes annually.

The sustainable, large-scale energy project will support long-term socio-economic benefits for the Nation and their partners. The project will generate more than 280 full-time jobs at peak and is estimated to create $14 million in direct labour income and add $6 million of indirect labour income.

In collaboration with the Alberta Indigenous Clean Energy Initiative, led by PrairiesCan, Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) contributed $1 million to Alexander First Nation towards its investment in the Tilley Solar Project. The ISC support advances reconciliation in securing First Nation ownership of the clean power project.

Having worked for First Nation communities over the last 15 years, it’s been incredible to witness the evolution in economic participation. The Alexander First Nation and Alexander Business Corp demonstrate that First Nations people can create their own methods for meaningful economic participation, especially in emerging industries like the renewable energy sector. For this project we were very fortunate to have met an industry partner that understands the importance of inclusion and how to build meaningful relationships; Concord Green Energy is setting the bar for economic reconciliation within the energy industry. Most importantly, the partnership would not have been possible without the support of the Canada Infrastructure Bank who are truly looking out for the interests of the Indigenous partners.

Firman Latimer, Chief Executive Officer, First Nation Power Development

Following the CIB’s recent investment in the Deerfoot and Barlow Solar projects in Calgary, Tilley Solar represents the CIB’s second Indigenous Community Infrastructure Initiative clean power investment to reach financial close in Alberta.

The CIB will continue to collaborate with First Nation, Métis and Inuit communities on infrastructure projects in partnership with, and for the benefit of Indigenous communities across Canada.


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