CanREA Welcomes SaskPower Wind & Solar RFSQs

CanREA Welcomes SaskPower Wind & Solar RFSQs

SaskPower will add a combined 600 MW of renewable-energy opportunities of interest to CanREA members in Saskatchewan. The Canadian Renewable Energy Association (CanREA) welcomes SaskPower’s new request for supplier qualifications (RFSQ) for two 200-MW wind-energy projects in south-central Saskatchewan, launched on July 17. This request came just days before the closing of SaskPower’s recent RSFQ for two 100-MW solar-energy projects in the same region, first launched on June 22.

OPG Celebrates the Early Completion of Darlington Unit 3

OPG Celebrates the Early Completion of Darlington Unit 3

Ontario Power Generation (OPG) has achieved a major milestone by successfully connecting Darlington Nuclear Generating Station’s Unit 3 to Ontario’s electricity grid, 169 days ahead of schedule. This world-class project performance demonstrates OPG’s expertise and commitment to completing the station’s four-unit refurbishment safely, with quality and on budget, by the end of 2026.

EVLO Launches its First Battery Energy Storage System Project in the U.S.

EVLO Launches its First Battery Energy Storage System Project in the U.S.

EVLO Energy Storage Inc., a fully integrated battery energy storage systems and solutions provider and subsidiary of Hydro-Québec, is pleased to announce its first utility-scale storage project in the United States. The 3-MW/12-MWh battery energy storage system (BESS) project to be implemented in Troy, Vermont, within the Sheffield-Highgate Export Interface, will help further the integration of local renewable generation into the New England grid.

Government of Canada Announces $48.7M to Switch to Cleaner Energy in Prince Edward Island

Government of Canada Announces $48.7M to Switch to Cleaner Energy in Prince Edward Island

Canadians are calling for action to fight climate change in a way that will build a strong economy, keep life affordable, and ensure clean air for our communities. The federal government announced an investment of up to $48.7 million from Canada’s Low Carbon Economy Fund to reduce energy costs and support climate action, building a strong economy in Prince Edward Island.

Hammond Power Solutions Publishes Inaugural ESG Report

Hammond Power Solutions Publishes Inaugural ESG Report

In late June, Hammond Power Solutions Inc. announced the release of its inaugural ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) Report, which formalizes the Company’s commitment to sustainability and marks the beginning of the Company’s efforts to consolidate and report on its work in this important area. “We are excited to release our inaugural ESG Report, which represents our commitment to further embed environmental, social and governance principles into our business and day-to-day operations,” said Bill Hammond, Chairman and CEO of Hammond Power Solutions.

Nova Scotia Power Awards Scholarships and Bursaries for 2023

Nova Scotia Power Awards Scholarships and Bursaries for 2023

September 13, 2023 Nova Scotia Power is pleased to announce the recipients selected for its 2023 Scholarship and Bursary Program. Each year, NS Power offers 28 scholarships and bursaries to qualifying students enrolled in trades and degree programs. With a focus on diversity, equity and inclusions, the categories are: Emerging Leader, Women in Trades, Engineering and…

Alectra Inc.’s 2022 Annual ESG Report: Critical Investments in Electricity Grid, Communities and Environment Guide

Alectra Inc.’s 2022 Annual ESG Report: Critical Investments in Electricity Grid, Communities and Environment Guide

September 13, 2023 Report features sustainable business initiatives addressing community needs  Alectra Inc. releases its 2022 Annual Environment, Sustainability and Governance (ESG) Report to highlight the company’s growth and critical investments in its sustainability programs.  The 2022 Annual ESG Report is guided by a comprehensive materiality assessment to guide and prioritize the most significant ESG…

Hydro One Celebrates Women in Engineering

Hydro One Celebrates Women in Engineering

September 13, 2023 On the 10th anniversary of International Women in Engineering Day, Hydro One announced the 2023 recipients of the Women in Engineering Scholarship. Granted annually to 10 women studying engineering at an Ontario university, the scholarship is part of Hydro One’s ongoing commitment to increasing the representation of women in engineering within the company and electricity…

Siemens Presents LV Insights X Software to Actively Manage Low-Voltage Grids

Siemens Presents LV Insights X Software to Actively Manage Low-Voltage Grids

September 13, 2023 Siemens is taking another important step to accelerate the energy transition: LV Insights X software, part of the Siemens Xcelerator portfolio, enables distribution grid operators (DSO) to tackle their most pressing challenge: the need to significantly increase grid capacity while grids are already pushed to their limits by the fast increase of…

nVent’s Latest ESG Report Highlights 2022 Progress

nVent’s Latest ESG Report Highlights 2022 Progress

September 13, 2023 nVent Electric a global leader in electrical connection and protection solutions, announced the release of its 2022 Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report. The report shares nVent’s 2022 achievements in each of its three ESG focus areas of People, Products and Planet and provides updates on progress towards its long-term goals. The…

Newfoundland Power Releases First Sustainability Report

Newfoundland Power Releases First Sustainability Report

September 13, 2023 Newfoundland Power has released its first Sustainability Report, which reports on the Company’s operations and guiding sustainability pillars for 2022. The report includes the Company’s new target to reduce its controlled greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 55% by 2035, as compared to 2019 levels, and key performance indicators. “We are committed to…