Vista, Vista Green, and Vista SD Switchgear for Utilities

January 11, 2024

Vista switchgear solves difficult switching and protection challenges and improves reliability using SF6 insulating gas. Built with the user in mind, it only takes one person to operate, and includes other features designed for operator safety, such as highly visible gaps.

Utilities have used oil-insulated switchgear for decades. However, this switchgear requires hefty and frequent maintenance cycles, which leads to high operational costs and opens the risk of operational error for crews.

Utilities are also facing greater pressure to transition to eco-friendly insulation technologies to meet their own sustainability goals and a changing regulatory landscape. Usually, these regulations call for hermetically-sealed gear or the elimination of greenhouse gases.

Vista Underground Distribution Switchgear
Vista Green Underground Distribution Switchgear
Vista SD Underground Distribution Switchgear

S&C’s underground distribution switchgear products are designed for the ease and safety of crews and to minimize overall maintenance. With a variety of insulation options, these products also address environmental challenges that are arising with the evolution of the modern grid.

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