Alectra Utilities Invests $43.1 M in Mississauga to Boost Reliability and Meet Growing Demands on its Electricity Grid

July 10, 2024

Alectra Utilities announced a significant investment of $43.1 million in grid enhancements aimed at bolstering reliability and meeting the growing energy demands in Mississauga, Ontario. As the community’s population grows, Alectra is renewing electricity infrastructure, enhancing connections to the grid, and modernizing substations to ensure reliable service for homes and businesses. 

“The safety and reliability of electricity delivery to our customers remains our top priority,” said Mike Matthews, Executive Vice President of Asset Strategy and Operations, Alectra. “Our commitment extends to investing in innovative technologies that mitigate power outages and reduce environmental footprints, all while providing a cost-effective solution for our valued customers.”

Alectra set an exceptional reliability record in 2023, with customers experiencing approximately one outage per year on average and less than one hour without power annually. This places Alectra among the leaders in reliability among Ontario Local Distribution Companies (LDCs).

In 2024, Alectra plans to continue to invest in several capital renewal projects in Mississauga, including:

  • $9.1 million to replace aging infrastructure including poles, transformers, and switchgear. Modernizing these elements will help minimize disruptions and improve the reliability of Mississauga’s energy grid for residential and commercial customers.
  • $16.1 million to replace and rehabilitate underground cables through a process called cable injection. This technology will extend underground cable life, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and help prevent outages.
  • $1.8 million to deploy net new automated devices enabling swift response to grid disturbances, minimizing the impact of potential disruptions on the community.
  • $2.8 million to build new substations as well as renew and upgrade existing substations, aiding in faster restoration efforts in the event of disruptions in Mississauga.
  • $13.3 million to connect new customers to accommodate Mississauga’s growing community.

Alectra has allocated approximately $297 million in 2024 for capital improvements across its 17 communities to renew aging equipment and install new infrastructure to handle growing demand. For further information on Alectra’s grid enhancement projects and initiatives, including an animated flyover video of our upcoming investments in Mississauga, please visit: Alectra Utilities Improving Reliability.


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