First Nations Power Authority Issues RFSQ for 100MW Solar Project in Saskatchewan

September 4, 2024
FNPA has shared a Request for Supplier Qualifications (RFSQ) in partnership with SaskPower for a 100MW solar project in Saskatchewan.
In order to ensure Indigenous participation and engagement, this project will have a minimum of 30% Saskatchewan First Nations ownership with opportunities for broader Indigenous ownership.
Project Overview: This landmark project represents a significant step forward in the development of renewable energy in Saskatchewan. The 100 MW Solar Project will contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable energy future for the province, while also generating economic opportunities and supporting community development.
Commitment to Indigenous Engagement: FNPA is dedicated to fostering meaningful participation by Indigenous communities in all aspects of energy development. SaskPower and FNPA have agreed that this project will have a minimum of 30% ownership by Saskatchewan First Nations, however, FNPA is targeting much higher levels of Indigenous ownership. FNPA strongly encourages all First Nations, Métis, and Inuit communities across Canada to participate in this competition.
Invitation to Participate: FNPA invite all qualified suppliers with demonstrated experience in the development and construction of large-scale solar projects to review the RFSQ documentation available on MERX and submit their qualifications, with the bid closing September 22nd. All Proponents will be required to join FNPA as part of the prequalification process.
Communication: All communications asking direct questions or seeking additional information must be asked through the competition location on MERX. No such communications are to be directed to anyone except through the competition location as detailed in section 4.2 of the RFSQ document.
Next Steps: Following the review of supplier qualifications, shortlisted proponents will be invited to participate in the subsequent Request for Proposals (RFP) stage.
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